
Cass provides a continuum of housing options for those experiencing homelessness. This includes our:

homeless feet

Warming Center: Open to adults and children from November 15 to March 31. Unlike other programs that are open only overnight, Cass’s Warming Center operates 24/7 and provides three meals a day.

Family Shelter: Open year-round to families with children from newborn to eighteen years of age. This emergency shelter operates 24/7, like the Warming Center.

Rotating Shelter: Open for adults between November and April. Local organizations, usually churches, host Cass clients for a week of overnights at a time. The organization provides dinner, a clean place to sleep, breakfast, and a bagged lunch. If you would like to be part of the rotation schedule, please contact Erica George at (313) 883-2277, ext. 106.

If you would like a referral to one of our emergency programs, please call CAM (the Coordinated Assessment Model). CAM handles intake for all of Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck. The information line is 313-305-0311 (recorded message).

Cass also provides Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). Individuals can stay in a PSH apartment or a Single Room with community space (SROs) indefinitely.  Please click on the links below to read about our various PSH programs.

Cass House

HOPWA Outreach

Littleton and Thomasson Apartments

Brady Building Apartments

Scott and Travis PSH

Antisdel Apartments

For information about Cass House, contact our Housing Manager, Deb Bracey, at 313-883-2277, ext. 205.  

Our other permanent supportive housing programs must come through CAM. For more information, call CAM at 313-305-0311.

Tiny Homes Detroit: Cass has built 25 different Tiny Homes (225-466 square feet) on its campus in Detroit — and more are on the way. The Tiny Homes program begins as a rental arrangement. Residents rent for a year at a time and participate in the program which includes living in the home as their primary residence. After seven years, the renters will be given the opportunity to own the tiny home.

Tiny Homes residents include individuals with a combination of backgrounds (people who have been formerly homeless and/or incarcerated, senior citizens, young adults who have aged out of foster care situations and a few Cass staff members). All of the residents qualify/begin as low-income.