Deputy Director Erica George, Co-CQI Leaders Al Sharpe and Joey Merchant as well as many of our program directors and managers who helped with accreditation. (Unfortunately, not everyone was available for the picture.)

The surveyors had very positive things to say about our programs and people – residents, members, staff and board members.

The book, authored by Faith Fowler, looks at the “American Dream.” the historical uses of small houses in the United States and how tiny homes have been utilized for poor and homeless people across the country. Readers will also learn about the decisions and logistics involved with building the Cass Tiny Homes and its innovative home ownership model.

Founded in 2014, the mission of the Cass Community Publishing House is to give a voice to writers from groups who are under-represented by the five major publishing companies and to offer a spotlight for religious and urban issues. Books by CCPH will include history, biography, photography, novels and poetry.